Deputy Vice Chancellor Academics, Ebonyi State University
Prof. Eugene Ndubuisi Nweke, PhD, Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic, Ebonyi State University (EBSU), is a Political and Administrative Scientist, and Professor of Applied Politics and Public Policy, in the Department of Political Science, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki. He received Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from EBSU, specializing in Governance, Poverty and Human Security. He also obtained Certificate in Social and Behavioural Research, from the Office of Research Education, (CITI.Program Course), University of Miami. in 2013, under the sponsorship of Pact Nigeria.
From 2007 to 2021, Prof. Eugene N, Nweke served in different positions of Academic and administrative leadership in Ebonyi State University and beyond. The positions include, Head, Department of Political Science (2007 to 2008), Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (2009-2018) Dean, School of Postgraduate Studies (2018-2021) Coordinator, Institute for Peace and Strategic Studies (IPSS),(2019 – date.) He was Senate Representative of the Governing Council of EBSU, between July 2018 and 2021.He has been a member of the University Senate and served on various university statutory and ad-hoc committees, including the Appointment and Promotions Committee, Board of Postgraduate Studies, Committee of Deans, Provosts and Directors, EBSU Governing Council on Disciplinary Committee, (2018-2021), Chairman, Adhoc Committee on Internal Generated Revenue in Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki ,2019 among others. He is an External Examiner to universities in Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana and China, and External assessor for promotion to professorial cadre in many Universities in Nigeria.
Beyond his academic and administrative services to his primary constituency – the academia – Prof. Eugene N, Nweke, in discharge of his social responsibilities has served as Member, South East Committee on Review of 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in 2012; He was also appointed into the National Committee on the design and production of a five–year heritage conservation master- plan for Nigeria under Federal Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Abuja (2006–2007). He is currently a member Expert Team on the review of Nigerian Migration Profile as well as member, Technical Working Group on Migration(TWG). He is also, currently, the Chairman, Ebonyi State Athletic Federation of Nigeria.
Prof. Eugene N, Nweke is a member of several professional bodies including International Political Science Association (IPSA), and Nigerian Political Science Association (NPSA), where he held the position of Zonal Chairman, from 2017 to 2019. He is also a member, Development Studies Association (DSA-London).
On research and publication, Prof.E.N.Nweke received Postdoctoral travel grant from Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation(NORAD) and South-South Exchange Programme, for Research on the History of Development (SEPHIS) in University of Cape Town (UCT) South Africa, on the theme: “Strategies against Poverty: Designs from the North and Alternatives from the South”, organized by Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO) (www.clacso.org) and Comparative Research Programme on Poverty (CROP) Bergen, Noruega-Norway)(www.crop.org)in2011.https://www.crop.org/Publications/CLACSO/Strategies-Against-Poverty-Designs-from-the-North-and-alternatives-from-the-South.aspx#:~:text=Eugene%20Ndubuisi%20Nweke.
In 2012, Prof. Nweke served the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) Study group, that researched on the profile of National Legislators from 1999 – 2011 at the Electoral Institute, Abuja. He received a UNDP Research Travel Grant for scholars of Developing Economies in 2003, to present a research study on, ‘Communities: Consultation and Partnership; A Strategy for Poverty Reduction in Nigeria” at the Second Regional International Conference of International Association of Institute for Administrative Science (IIAS) in Yaoundé Cameron (www.iiasiisa.be). He is also a 2004 Damina Laureate on Democratization and Economic Reform Processes, Centre for Research and Documentation, Kano.
Prof Eugene N, Nweke is a Social Entrepreneur and Civil Society activist, who has contributed to the development of the Society, and wellbeing of Humanity, both as State and Non-state actor. He is the founder/President of ‘Initiative for Social Change in Africa’ (ISOCA), a Non-Governmental and not-for-profit organization that researches, facilitates, and advocates for social change, good governance, and sustainable development in Africa. http://www.isoca.org/ . The organization collaborates with Development partners such as USAID, European Union, and other Non-State Actors to intervene in actions against child poverty, gender based violence, political violence and strengthening of local governance. He is a member and Co-Chair, Open Government Partnership (OGP) Steering Committee, a World Bank initiative for Transparency and co-creation in public sector governance in Ebonyi State.
Prof. Nweke is a scholar of repute, who has published widely at the local and international levels. He is a consultant to Governments, Development partners, Universities, and Individuals. He is a highly esteemed and sought-after resource person, guest speaker, moderator, and facilitator at various Conferences and workshops. He is married and blessed with children.