N.C.E., B.Sc.Ed, PGD, M.Sc Ed, Ph.D.
Professor of Science Education
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Administration, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki,
Ebonyi State, Nigeria.
Hometown: Umuezeoka Ezza- Effium, Ohaukwu LGA, Ebonyi State
Primary Education:
- Broderick Street Primary School, Coal Camp Enugu in Enugu State and obtained First School Leaving Certificate in six years.
Secondary Education:
- Girls High School, Nachi Udi LGA Enugu in Enugu State and obtained West African School Certificate
Tertiary Education:
- Graduated from Institute of Management and Technology (IMT) Enugu and obtained National Certificate in Education (NCE) in Biology/Integrated Science
- Graduated from Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT) and obtained Bachelor of Science (B.Sc Ed) Hons with 2nd Class Upper Division) in Integrated Science Education.
- Graduated from Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT) and obtained Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) in Computer Science and Engineering.
- Master of Science M.Sc.) degree in Computer Science Education
- Graduated from Ebonyi State University (EBSU) Abakaliki and obtained Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Science Education)
- Workshop on Re-training of Primary School Teachers (Cluster Approach) organized by EBSU/Consultancy Ebonyi State University Abakaliki
- Train the Trainers workshop for Center Managers and course Facilitators in NOUN/NTI B.Sc.Ed/B.A.Ed performance
- Certificate on Health Policy and Health System
National Certificate in Education (NCE) in Biology/Integrated Science
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.Ed) Degree in Science Education (Integrated Science Option) with Second Class Upper Division
Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) in Computer Science and Engineering
Master of Science (M.Sc.Ed) Degree in Computer Science Education
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) Degree in Science Education)
2023 To-date
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Administration, Ebonyi State University Abakaliki
2022 To-date
Senate Council member, Ebonyi State University Abakaliki
Dean Faculty of Education, Ebonyi State University Abakaliki
Sub-Dean Faculty of Education, Ebonyi State University Abakaliki
Treasurer ASUU-EBSU Cooperative Thrift and Credit Society
Academic Adviser Computer Science Education (Departmental Level)
Coordinator Work and Study Programme (WASP) Science Education department
| Edeh, M. O., Rijwan, K., Nwafor, C. E., and Tribhuwan, K. (2023). Impact of mobile Technology and use of big data in physics education during coronavirus lockdown. Big Data Mining and Analytics, 6(3), 381-389.
| Nwafor, C. E., Abonyi, O. S., Edeh, M. O., Obeten, O.O., and Igba, E. C. (2022). Content coverage and readability of science textbooks in use in Nigerian secondary schools. Journal of Education and Practice, 13(7), 43-52.
| Edeh, M. O., Sharma, A., Nwafor, C. E., Fyneface, A. G., Den, S., and Edeh, E. C. (2020). Impact of emerging technologies on the job performance of educators in selected tertiary institutions in Nigeria. The Journal of Computer Science and its Applications, 27(1), 52-61.
| Edeh, M. O., Nwafor, C. E., Obafemi, F. A., Shuvro, S., Fyneface, G. A., Aabha, S., and Alhuseen, O. A. (2020). Impact of coronavirus pandemic on education. Journal of Education and Practice, 11(13), 108-121.
| Edeh, M. O., Nwafor, C. E., Ugwugbo, A. N., Rockson, K.A., and Ogbonnaya, U.N. (2020). Cloud Security challenges: Implication on education. International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, 9(2), 56-73.
| Edeh, M. O., Quadri, N.N., Alhuseen, O.A., Nwafor, C. E., Abdullahi, I., and Faluyi, S.G., (2020). Development of mobile-learning platform for entrepreneurship education in Nigeria. British Journal of Science, 18(2), 123-141.
| Edeh, M. O., Nwafor, C. E., Ezeanya, C. U., Eziokwu, P. N., and Ani, U.E. (2020). Impact of E-learning platforms on students’ interest and academic achievement in data structure course. CCU Journal of Science, 1(1), 1-16.
| Igba D. I, Igba C. E, Nwafor C. E, Elom C and Mgboro C. (2018). Teenage Pregnancy and Girl-Child Education. International Journal of Applied Environmental Science, 13(3), 237-248.
| Aja S. N, Eze P. I, Igba D. I, Igba C. E, Nwafor C.E. and Nnamani S. C (2017). Using Multi-Sensor Instruction in Managing Classroom for Effective Teaching and Learning. International Journal of Applied Engineering research 12 (24) 15112-15118.
| Igba D. I, Igba C.E, Aja S N. and Nwafor C.E. (2017). Home media technologies. Implication for Academic Achievement of University Undergraduates. International Journal of Applied Environmental Science 12 (12) 2079-2093.
| Nwafor C.E. and Umoke C.C. (2016). Evaluation of some Approved Basic Science and Technology Textbooks use in Junior Secondary Schools in Nigeria. Journal of Education and Practice Volume 7 (14) 68-78.
| Umoke, C. C. and Nwafor C.E. (2015). Examination of the readability level of some approved science textbooks in use in junior secondary schools in Ebonyi State. British Journal of Education, 3(11), 26-31.
| Nwafor C.E. Obodo, A.C., and Okafor G. (2015). Effect of Self-Regulated Learning School on Junior Secondary School Students Achievement Basic Science. Journal of Education and Practice 6(5) 45-52.
| Nwafor, C.E. Ali, F.O. (2015). “TVET and Local Technologies for Sustainable Entrepreneurial innovation and Industrial skills Development in Nigeria South Eastern States” International. Journal of Humanities Social Science and Education. 2 (7), 147-153.
| Ali F.O., Eze, S.O., Nwafor, C.E. (2014). Curriculum Innovation in Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) through Millennium development goal Programme in Nigeria. International Journal of Science and Nature 5(3). 590-593.
| Nwafor C.E., Eze, S.O. (2014). Availability and Utilization of Instructional Material in teaching Basic Science in Selected Secondary Schools in Abakaliki Education Zone of Ebonyi State, Nigeria.Global Journal of Bio-Science & Biotechnology 3(3). 292-295.
| Umoke Judith, and Nwafor, C.E. (2014). Effects of Instructional Simulation on Secondary School Students Achievement in Biology. Journal of Education and Practices. 5(19) 101-110.
| Nwafor, C. E. (2012). Evaluation of some approved primary science textbooks in use in public primary schools in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. The Intuition, 2(1), 61-69.
| Edeh, M. O., Nwafor, C. E., Nnaji, A. D., Fyneface, G. A., Obiekwe, C. P., and Omachi, D. (2020). The impact of inquiry-based teaching approach on computer science learning. EBSU Science Journal, 1(1), 61-70.
| Nwafor C.E. and Okoi Obeten Oka (2020). Antecedents to an effective corruption-free basic education curriculum implementation in Nigeria. Journal of Curriculum Organization of Nigeria (CON), 27(3), 161-146.
| Nwafor C.E. and Oka O. O (2018). Effective Curriculum Implementation in Private Schools a Panacea for National Development. Curriculum Organization of Nigeria.Volume25 (4) 19-29.
| Nwafor C.E. and Aja L. (2017). Effects of Construction Based teaching Strategy on Junior Secondary School Students Achievement in Basic Science. Journal of Science Teachers Association of Nigeria (JSTAN), 52(1), 33-42.
| Nwafor C.E. (2016). Effective Teacher and Student relationship. A panacea to Achievement in Science Education. Curriculum Organization of Nigeria. Volume 23 168-175.
| Nwafor C.E. and Abonyi, O. S. (2016). Effects of instructional simulation on secondary schools students achievement in basic science. Journal of science teachers association, 51(1), 32-40.
| Nwafor, C.E. (2009). Innovative Approaches to the Teaching of You and the Environment Science Teachers Association of Nigeria STAN. Integrated Science Education Series 7(1) 43-46.
| Nwafor, C.E. (2009). Jurisprudential Approach in the Teaching of Integrated Science (You and Environment). Science Teachers Association of Nigeria STAN. Integrated Science Education Series. (7) 47-49.
| Nwafor C.E, Oka O. O (2017). Strategies to Enhance Teaching and Learning of Computer Science in Junior Secondary Schools. International Educational Scientific Research Journal 3 (10) 32-37.
| Nwafor C.E, Oka O. O (2016). The Effect of Computer Assisted Instructions on the Achievement of Junior Secondary Schools Students in Basic Science. International Journal of Scientific Engineering Research IJSER Volume 7 (10) 1940-1957.
| Umoke C.C, and Nwafor C.E. (2015). Evaluation of Computer Studies Textbook Used in Junior Secondary schools in Ebonyi State of Nigeria. Advance in Social Science Research Journal Volume 2 (8) 123-141.
| Nwafor, C. E. (2014). Teachers based strategies for motivating students interest in basic science and technology. African Education Indices, 7(1), 195-213.
| Nwafor, C.E. (2014). Use of Inquiry Approach in the Teaching of Basic science (Disease Vector) Science Teachers Association of Nigeria STAN Basic Science Series, (5) 42-45.
| Nwafor, C.E. (2014). The use of Discovery Method of Instruction in Teaching of Basic Science and Technology (Drugs). Science Teachers Association of Nigeria, (STAN) (5) 7-11.
| Nwafor, C. E. (2013). Comparative study of students’ academic performance in junior secondary school certificate basic science in public and private secondary schools in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Academic Discourse an International Journal, 6(1), 307-320.
| Nwafor C.E. (2013). Evaluation of Some Approved Basic Science Textbooks in Use in Junior Secondary Schools in Ebonyi State of Nigeria. Journal of Teachers Perspective 8 (1)47-62.
| Nwafor C.E. (2013). Development of an Effective Online Teaching Ability for Professional Science Teachers. Knowledge Review. 27 (1), 1-6.
| Nwafor C.E. (2012). Effect of Experiential Teaching Method on the Achievement of Junior Secondary School Students in Basic Science. Approaches in International Journal of Research Development. 7 (1), 22-37.
| Nwafor C.E. (2012). Effective Teaching Methods at Higher Level of Education (A case Study of Work and Study Program WASP) Ebonyi State Nigeria Abakaliki. Journal of Research Development. 20 (3), 29-35.
| Nwafor C.E. (2012). Perception of Teachers for the Application of Science process Skills in Teaching of Basic Science in Junior Secondary Schools in Ebonyi State. Journal of Qualitative Education 9 (1), 70-75.
| Nwafor C.E. (2011). Experimental Approach to the Teaching of Science and Development (Friction). Science Teachers Association of Nigeria STAN. Basic Science Panel Series, 1(1), 39-41
| Nwafor, C.E. (2011). Project Method of Instruction in the Teaching of You and Energy. Science Teachers Association of Nigeria STAN. Basic SciencePanel Series 1(1), 97-100.
| Nwafor C.E. (2011). Effect of Concept Mapping Model of Instruction on the Achievement of Junior Secondary School Student in Integrated science. Nigeria Journal of Functional Education 6 (1) 66-72.
| Nwafor C.E. (2011). Teachers Based Strategies, for Improving Girls Active Participation in. Science, Technology and Mathematics; Enugu State University Journal of Education 5 (1) 45-49.
| Nwafor C.E. (2009). Environmental Education Direct Teaching Strategy in Teaching Ozone Layer Depletion. Ebonyi State University Journal of Arts and Social Science Education 1 (1) 31-34.
| Nwafor C.E. and Igwe, C. (2008). Extent of Provision of Instructional Materials to Teach Biology In Senior Secondary School in Abakaliki Urban of Ebonyi State. Ebonyi Technology and Vocational Education Journal. 2(1) 21-27.
| Nwafor C.E. (2006). “Technological Devices for Integrated Science Teaching” The Journal of Information Communication and Computing Technologies2 (2) 85-88.
| Nwafor, C. E. (2006). Constraints to Scientific and Technological in Nigeria. Ebonyi Journal of Science Education, 1(1), 22-26.
| Nwafor C.E., Mbajiogu, M.N. (2006). The Effect of Jurisprudential Model and Guided Discovery on the Level of Achievement of Secondary School Student in Integrated Science. Journal of Education for Professional Growth (ASSEPGN), 2(1), 87-93.
| Nwafor C.E. (2007). ICT and Functional Literacy, Ebonyi Journal of Science Education Ebonyi State University Abakaliki (EJSE) 2 (1)79-82.
| Inyama H.C, Nwafor, C.E. (2006). Development of an effective online learning for Nigeria populace. Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki. The Journal of Education (EBJE), 4 (2), 261-272.
| Inyama H.C, Nwafor, C.E. (2006). Modelling an Effective Technology Platform for Distance Education in Nigeria. The Journal of Information, Communication and ComputingTechnologies (JICOTECH). 2(1), 120-130.
| Nwafor C.E, Umoke J. E, (2014). Science Technology and Mathematics for Creativity: Challenges and Prospects 55th Annual Conference Proceeding of Science Teachers Association of Nigeria, 141-145.
| Umoke J.E, Nwafor, C.E. (2013). Instructional Simulation in Secondary School Biology Classroom Attaining the MGDS through STM Education 54th Annual Conference Proceeding of Science Teachers Associations of Nigeria,242-247.
| Nwafor C.E. (2014). Special Method Jones Communications Publishers Enugu.
| Nwafor C.E, Umoke J. (2014). Effects of Instructional Simulation on Students Achievement in Biology. Lambert Academic Publishing Berlin, Germany.
| Edeh, M. O., Nwafor C.E., Ugboaja, S.G., Richard-nnabu, N.E., Akindutire, O.R., Edeh, E.C., & Ugwueke, I. (2023). Application of mobile technologies in healthcare during coronavirus pandemic lockdown. In M. J. Sousa,F.G. Nunes, G.D. Nascimento & C. chakraborty (Eds) Future health scenarios Al abd digital technologies in global healthcare systems. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group
| Nwafor C.E. & Obeten Okoi Oka (2020). Accelerating national development through science and technology literacy: New perspective and national development. Enugu: Foremost Educational Publishers 193-204 |
| Nwafor C.E., Ogundu C. E (2018). Effects of Inquiry Method of Instruction on Achievement of Computer Studies in Upper Basic II Education Students.
| Nwafor C.E. (2014). Reforms and Innovations in Nigeria Education; the Journey So Far in E. Kpangban, P.E. Eya. And P.C. Igbojinwaekwu (Eds) Reforms and Innovation in Nigeria Education, Lagos-West and Solomon Publishing Co Ltd. 156-171.
| Nwafor C.E. (2006), Modes of Computer/Storage Media in Computer System.In H.C. Iyama (Ed) computer and Technology Information Literacy, Positive point venture Enugu, 71-86.
| Nwafor C.E. (2007). Computer Security and Environment in Mbam B.E.E. (Ed) Fundamentals of Computer and Information Technology, Realm Production to Nigeria, 123-139. |